Detroit Metal City es la ultima serie de anime que he visto,otro de mis vicios y esta serie es un descojone.
Souichi Negishi es un joven músico que viene a estudiar a la ciudad con el sueño de poder componer y tocar canciones pop. Pero el mundo de la música profesional no es fácil, y de momento Souichi solo ha conseguido poder tocar como guitarrista del grupo Detroit Metal City, una banda de Death Metal. Este estilo de música se aleja radicalmente de los gustos del muchacho, que es extremadamente amable y detesta el mundo del Metal. En cambio, todo parece apuntar a que el grupo Detroit Metal City, y especialmente Souichi, al que conocen como "El rey demonio Krauser II", están destinados a triunfar con su música. Esta es una historia de humor sobre las desventuras del joven músico al tener que convivir con su diabólica fachada de Krauser, al tiempo que intenta llevar una vida normal y ser el chico perfecto de cara a sus padres y amigos.
Detroit Metal City is the last anime series I've seen, another of my vices, and this series is a descojone.
Souichi Negishi is a young musician who comes to explore the city with the dream of being able to compose and play pop songs. But the professional world of music is not easy, and only time Souichi has to play as guitarist Detroit Metal City, a band of Death Metal. This style of music departs radically from the tastes of the boy, who is extremely friendly and hates the world of Metal. Instead, everything seems to indicate that the group Detroit Metal City, and especially Souichi, which known as "the demon king Krauser II", are destined to succeed with their music. This story is a comedy about the misfortunes of the young musician to have to live with his devilish facade Krauser, while trying to lead a normal life and be the perfect guy for her parents and friends.
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