26 enero 2009

Tenacious D

La vi el otro dia y me partia el pecho de risa,una comedia que gira entorno al Heavy Metal,moola.
Los actores Jack Black y Kyle Gass se conocieron en 1994 e instantáneamente descubrieron su mutuo amor por el rock n' roll. Entonces, formaron una banda a la que bautizaron Tenacious D, o simplemente, "The D", con la que comenzaron a tocar en bares de Los Angeles. Más tarde, participaron en shows de televisión e incluso actuaron como grupos soporte en shows de Beck, Tool y Pearl Jam.
Ahora estos dos comediantes llevan a su grupo a la pantalla grande para narrar la historia de dos músicos fracasados que sueñan con convertirse en la banda de rock más grande del planeta.

I saw the other day and I departed on the chest of laughter, a comedy that revolves around the Heavy Metal, cool.
Actors Jack Black and Kyle Gass met in 1994 and instantly discovered their mutual love for rock n 'roll. Then, they formed a band that named Tenacious D, or simply, "The D", which began playing in bars in Los Angeles. Later, they participated in TV shows and even acted as support groups shows Beck, Tool and Pearl Jam.
Now these two comedians take their group to the big screen to tell the story of two failed musicians who dream of becoming the greatest rock band of the planet.

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